
Webinars: All my Webinars and Workshops are Customized to Each Audience

My most popular course is ‘Driving Thru Life Safely’ While I customize all trainings to each specific group, if I am teaching a webinar to a general audience of many types of people, this course is the most popular.  

In this four-week training program, attendees learn how to drive successfully through the ‘virtual intersections’ of their life meaning when they make choices and decisions. In line with the quote, Life is like a journey, attendees are taught in this workshop how making a choice or decision is like progressing thru a ‘virtual intersection’ on that journey.  Making choices and decisions are important because we create not only our lives, but our world by our choices; yet typically, only 5% of them are made consciously. Using the techniques in this program, one can be aware of 100% of one’s choices.

 Imagine having different stoplights for every ethnic group…vs… One set of stoplights that all of us must use and obey if we want to have a driver’s license.

Having a simple process to make decisions can make it easier for people from various cultures to make respectful decisions.

April 11: In this section, insert the content from the overview document of this course.

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