
As Activists, Let's Work Together to not only 'Be' The Change We Want to See in Our World, but Create it! Also EXPLAIN Y I am using this picture

Aneta, use AI and ChatGPT to create a persuasive message on this page…

Bringing the focus closer to home, consider the hundreds of sexual abuse crimes caused by the selfish motives of men like Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, etc. We must work together to stop all these sexual assaults.

Did you know 46 people, on average, are intentionally killed every day and, sadly, 8 of them are children…not to mention all the victims of crimes who are not killed but hurt in many ways?

Let’s explore how we can join together to be The Change We Each Want to See in OUR World by creating it!

For groups who have a complete training program that teaches life skills, the core components of this process can be added as a supplement to any process you teach to prevent abuse so people can be united mentally in diverse communities.   

Contact me to learn how. I look forward to your call or email.

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